My Vision Board - Onto Dream Fulfillment

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Begin with the end in mind

This isn't a new quote.

In fact, it has been written in Stephen Covey's Book, 7 habits for the highly successful people.

But I quite recently, I had to re-learn it. I came to a seminar organized by Laurus Enterprises, the official organizer of Rich Dad events in the Philippines. It was one of those unplanned things. In fact, I wasn't really expecting anything. But the first part of the seminar really hit me.... The first step in achieving your dream is knowing what it is and how much it is worth. Then can you decide, how you can achieve it...

The whole seminar actually talked about other options to get what you want but not knowing exactly what I want hit me.... It is not about wanting ways to get it but knowing what I want and going for it's accomplishment.

SO if you want something, know what it is. Know how much it is worth and find a vehicle to get it.

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